Tell Us Something That Happened To You That Made You Feel Very Old.

I can no longer tune my guitars by ear. I made a thread on this, but I'm not going to bother looking it up. Hey, I'm old, I can't be expected to do that!

Another one. I was at a John Densmore book signing a couple years ago, had a good time talking to folks in line, but no one knew what the Doors RtR tape was that I had for him to sign.
The other day I was thinking about how I came to my present church in 1985 when I moved here for grad school. Now the church was built in 1963, which just happens to be the year I was born, but so what? Well, it turns out that not only is that a long time ago, but I've also been a member here for over half of the lifetime of the parish (and me). Where did the time go?
I used to have red hair and beard, but my beard turned white way before my hair did. I was delivering my mail route and walked up to a house where two little kids were playing. As I walked past them, one said to me "You're old!"

I laughed and asked him why he thought I was old.

He answered "You have white hair and wrinkles. You're old."

To me it's a sign that I survived what life threw at me. But it did make me feel old.

There are signs at Casa Wildcat that El Gato is aging a bit...

• When I walk down a flight of stairs first thing in the morning, it sounds like firecrackers going off around me.

• Having to read anything results in a five minute search for the reading glasses.

• When I leave the house, I have to plan my trips around having access to a restroom if I'm away from home for too long.

• My youngest turned 18 last month. I swore she was in kindergarten last year.

• Walking into a room, and forgetting why I went in there in the first place.
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