Today's JAZZ playlist

Weather Report - Mr. Gone -


Mr. Eric
Haven't heard this one but it looks great. Love Wess & Roker. Billy your sleep issue is the story of my life.

I love that album. Most of the cuts are on the mellow side, but overall, it's a winner IMO.

It's not a pretty thing losing sleep. I feel for you, especially when you have to get up and get going to work or for your family needs. Melatonin helps me with Jet Lag and adjusting to time zones, but then I seem to get into a slump where I'm up at odd hours, and then want to sleep in the middle of the day.
You really conveyed my feelings as well. The musicians have legit jazz chops and feel without ramming it down your throat. I love this album.

I've the companion record to the Peter Gunn record, it's from a knock off movie, they got the same people back together for "Gunn....Number One". Mancini provided the music and it's quite good. A find from a dusty record store.
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