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  • Hello
    My Denon AVR-3312 E2 - after diagnosing, have a problem with DM860 firmware and NAND Flash memory is damaged.
    I will replace the NAND Flash memory, but unfortunately I do not have DFW software for 3312.
    Can you sending me the set of "D&M Firmware Writer" software needed for programming AVR-3312 E2.
    My email is: wiatr_111@onet.pl
    Thanks in advance
    My AVR-2313 E2 has an inactive Ethernet port and the USB, does not display the software version and MAC address.
    This looks like DM860 firmware corruption.
    I will have to update the firmware via the RS232 port.
    Unfortunately I do not have DFW software to do the programming.
    Can you sending me the set of "D&M Firmware Writer" software needed for programming AVR-2313 E2.
    My email is: wiatr_111@onet.pl
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