Anyone one tried Ketogentic diet?


Super Member
A friend recommand it and I am on it for a month already. I lost 7 KG or 15 pounds so far but the benefit didn't stop there. I am also very energetic and very focused. If anyone else have try it please chime in?
I've followed it off and on for about 3-1/2 years (Initially I lost about 50 lbs—) For those of us unlucky enough to be genetically predisposed to diabetes and overweight, I personally think a high fat/low carb ketogenic diet is—literally—a lifesaver.

I've always felt great when I stick to it (no brain fog, less of an appetite overall, and most important, my blood work all comes back normal: good HDL, normal blood pressure, normal hemoglobin A1C and trigyceride levels....)

I even went on a week-long 90-mile hike in the Sierra Nevada mountains while eating a low carb/high fat diet throughout and felt great and had consistent energy (contrary to assumptions, once your body is in metabolic ketosis and not reliant on quick carbohydrates for fuel, your need for constant refueling diminishes—no "hitting the wall" or having to squirt packets of goo in your mouth every hour just to keep the energy up...)

The hardest part is trying to eat *more* fat, not less. (Once you're fully in ketosis, it's much easier to stay there—) Of course, those times in which you end up eating carbs and it pulls you out of ketosis is a drag, as it takes another week or so to kick back in, and much of that time your brain is screaming at you to just eat those few chips or slices of bread, lol!

I'm a book designer by profession and I designed a book called "Eat Bacon, Don't Jog"—which is kind of an easily accessible compendium of the most recent science behind LCHF—so that's how I first became interested. Then I read Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes, The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teichholz, and The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, by Jeff Volek and Steven Phinney (as well as going down the Youtube rabbit hole watching presentations by all of these folks, and also Dr. Eric Westman...)

Unfortunately, be prepared for an onslaught of misinformation and "common sense" assumptions about food, eating, and overweight. (I generally don't talk about it with most people anymore unless they are interested...) Personally, I find the one area that *is* a real quandry is the fact that in modern industrialized society, the production of meat is ecologically unsustainable with our growing global population...

Anyway congratulations on finding LCHF, and good luck on your journey!
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I think the strict LCHF is very hard to sustain, but a cheating version call Bulletproof diet by David Ausprey is very interesting, his is using C8 MCT oil to keep one in Ketosis and also eating a lot of health fat. I might also try that later on, thanks for sharing.
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