What are you drinking now?

Maxwell House, Chock Full o' Nuts and Eight O'Clock. Mixed together and percolated into a yummy pot of coffee.
Paradise Roaster's Blue Sky Breakfast blend. Usually not much of a coffee blend fan, instead preferring to have the more distinct characteristics of varietals, but this stuff ain't too bad.
2014 Cabernet Mitos Spätlese. The taste is not typical of red wine - it reminds me very much of red grape juice. Remarkable.
Dunkin Dark Coffee; Brewed it up strong this AM.
Sweet and Low, Fat free Coffee- Mate, Shot of milk.

Cheers.. Lets get this fun/day Sunday going!


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Samuel Adams Octoberfest. Wasn't expecting much but I'm impressed.

Just finished a glass of grape Kool-Aid w/supper and the Animals "House Of The Rising Sun" is playing.
Probably have a whiskey sour or two later on if the mood hits me.

Bret P.
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