Advance notice concerning birthday threads

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I didn't know anyone even did birthday and post milestones. I feel left out, anyhow thanks for your service that was without pay or expectation for reward.
Hello there sir! Thank you for all you have been doing seriously! I hope we will still continue to see your posts though throughout the forum ☺
In my first post, Dan, I said that I want to pass on the baton - I did not say: I will throw it arbitrarily into the mud. ;) So until October,1st we most likely (hopefully) will have found somebody who will carry on with these precious traditions. :)
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HK this will make it much harder for your journey to 100K. Just kidding of course but I'm not kidding when I say thank you so much for your time and dedication.
In my eyes it never goes unnoticed or unappreciated. You are a very special Member Of The Year. THANKS!
Just saw this now. I'm almost ashamed to admit I never really stopped to think about the effort you put into birthday greetings and milestone celebrations until I read this thread. I can see how it might make dropping in at AK a bit of a chore, and nobody wants that.

Thanks for all your good work, Chris.
Reopened to let everyone know I have agreed to take over for Chris. I will use the same criteria as Chis and you should be aware unless you add your birth date in your profile you will not show up in the cue. I will take over October 2nd.
Wish me luck,
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Reopened to let everyone know I have agreed to take over for Chris. I will use the same criteria as Chis and you should be aware unless you add your birth date in your profile you will not show up in the cue. I will take over October 2nd.
You the coolest Jim, I remember when just friends and mods would post birthday wishes when they knew about someones BD. I look at all the work that Ronnie and Chris have done since then and it really changed the site.

Wish me luck,
Good Luck and thank you
OK OK I got it!
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