Are You A Genius?

While we're at it, here's one for ya.

Three friends have a nice meal together, and the bill is $25

The three friends pay $10 each, which the waiter gives to the Cashier

The Cashier hands back $5 to the Waiter

But the Waiter can't split $5 three ways, so he gives the friends one dollar each and keeps 2 dollars as a tip.

There were three of them 3 X $9 so they all paid $27

They each paid $27 and the waiter kept $2: $27 + $2 = $29

Where did the other dollar go?
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While we're at it, here's one for ya.

Three friends have a nice meal together, and the bill is $25

The three friends pay $10 each, which the waiter gives to the Cashier

The Cashier hands back $5 to the Waiter

But the Waiter can't split $5 three ways, so he gives the friends one dollar each and keeps 2 dollars as a tip.

There were three of them 3 X $9 so they all paid $27

So, they each paid $27 and the waiter kept $2: $27 + $2 = $29

Where did the other dollar go?

The other dollar went no where. The three paid a combined $25 meal plus $2 tip. The three they got back was change for 30.
Theorem: 4 = 5

-20 = -20 (obviously...)
16 - 36 = 25 - 45 (just two different ways to write -20)
4^2 - 9*4 = 5^2 - 9*5 (factoring...)
4^2 - 9*4 + 81/4 = 5^2 - 9*5 + 81/4 (add 81/4 to both sides)
(4 - 9/2)^2 = (5 - 9/2)^2 ("completing the square")
4 - 9/2 = 5 - 9/2 (get rid of the squares)
4 = 5 (cancel the 9/2 from both sides)

To answer the OP topic, in a word, yes.

btw, Q1

if x = cost of ball
x+1 = cost of bat

x+x+1 = 1.10
2x +1 = 1.10
2x = .10
8th grade algebra IIRC
While we're at it, here's one for ya.

Three friends have a nice meal together, and the bill is $25

The three friends pay $10 each, which the waiter gives to the Cashier

The Cashier hands back $5 to the Waiter

But the Waiter can't split $5 three ways, so he gives the friends one dollar each and keeps 2 dollars as a tip.

There were three of them 3 X $9 so they all paid $27

They each paid $27 and the waiter kept $2: $27 + $2 = $29

Where did the other dollar go?
To the IRS

or: $30 was put in play

the store kept 25

the wiater kept 2

3 was disbursed back to the patrons.

"follow the money"

to fall prey to that trick you are using a future state to redefine a initial state. its sorta a logic error
  1. There are five houses.
  2. The Englishman lives in the red house.
  3. The Spaniard owns the dog.
  4. Coffee is drunk in the green house.
  5. The Ukrainian drinks tea.
  6. The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory house.
  7. The Old Gold smoker owns snails.
  8. Kools are smoked in the yellow house.
  9. Milk is drunk in the middle house.
  10. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
  11. The man who smokes Chesterfields lives in the house next to the man with the fox.
  12. Kools are smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.
  13. The Lucky Strike smoker drinks orange juice.
  14. The Japanese smokes Parliaments.
  15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
Now, who drinks water? Who owns the zebra?

In the interest of clarity, it must be added that each of the five houses is painted a different color, and their inhabitants are of different national extractions, own different pets, drink different beverages and smoke different brands of American cigarets [sic]. One other thing: in statement 6, right means your right.
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