Ask a stupid question, get a ridiculous answer

It's all about that bass.

If you met someone in a revolving door, how long would you go around together?
Only when the owls nested outside.

If an electrician wears copper pants, will he be charged with impersonating an officer, or will there be no grounds for prosecution?
No matter what happens, it will be shocking.

If you register for the draft, will you receive special treatment if you have insulation?
Wearing thermal long-john's won't keep you out of the army.

Should ex fiances be called 'near Mrs'?
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The sinking kind.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
The sinking kind.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

The "Accord of Wood" was signed by the National Brotherhood of Ground Hogs in 2005, stating that "No more than 20 pieces of wood or wood related products will be chucked in a half hour period, with allowances being made for coffee breaks twice a day."

If you drop a lawsuit and it breaks, can you be fined?
No, but everyone will know why they could see through the lawyer's new clothes.

How much could a precipice?
Where the sea is too deep, you can't anchor us.

What does a starfish get on its dressing room door?
No. Take the next left at Hot Water, drive 3 miles and it's on your right.

Can you get a cut from playing a g-sharp chord?
Yes, in the same way a chord cuts a circle.

Why are they called 'thumb drives'? You have to use more than just that.
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