Bad Commercials

I have the curse, or the gift of never forgetting a face. I remember people in ads going back to the early '60s. I recently saw one for adult incontinence supplies and recognized the 50 something "star" of it as a woman who used to be eye candy in ads and TV shows about 25-30 years ago. Latest person who is "hot" is this guy, who had low testosterone, and now has type 2 diabetes, taking two different meds for it:

Over the years, an actress or actor will be in a flood of ads over a couple of year period, then disappear, and then come back, again and again. A lot of the 50-60 year olds in ads now, I remember from 30-40 years ago. It's become a thing of mine to try to find out their names and look at old pics of them. There was a woman on one of the medication ads that was spectacular looking back in the early 80's. I saw her and recognized her instantly. I have a friend who doubted it was her, and he bet me $20. I won, I'm rarely ever wrong when it comes to that kind of thing.
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Not hardly, they are garbage. Sadly, I can sing all the cigarette ad songs.from 40 years ago, and remember products long gone. But I constantly forget stuff when I'm shopping. Or when I'm going to work, etc.

My mom and my last GF gave me endless crap about it. My mom claimed I did it on purpose. That made me laugh.
Many of these are pretty mild, compared to the grinning "Boner Bob" Enzyte, Carl's Jr "Slutburger", and Skittles commercials. All creepy and cringeworthy.
I'm pretty sick of Flo too!
A) Why are you carrying a cup of coffee with you up a mountain?
B) You clearly have nothing in that cup when you take a "drink" of it.
C) Same for you, sweetheart, at 0:26.

Sorry- fail.

The Liberty Mutual advertisements are so annoying that I felt the need to start a thread about it, but figured I should check first to see if there was one already and found this not too old thread.

I have a new idea for a Liberty Mutual add tag line,

“Liberty Mutual, insurance for stupid people that don’t know how to drive”

There, got that off my chest.
Pretty much any car commercial during the holidays, especially the ones selling the fast lane zippy lifestyle, with reindeer ears clamped to the side windows, and a need to drive 80mph on snowy mountain roads..
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