Bird Food.


Infinity nutcase.
I thought this was funnier than hell yesterday, we've been feeding some ringneck doves. I don't know how we started this but the birds know now and it's become a routine to feed them. We've been feeding them from these small bags that cost like $5 bucks from the local grocery store.

I spotted a feed store that's on the way to and from work so yesterday I decided to stop and have a look, I go in and ask the lady (spanish) if they stock bird seed, to which she says "jes" and what kind of birds. i say ring neck doves, she looks at me in like what??? no we have no food por de dobes. so i ask to point me in the direction of what the have. find a 50 lb bag and ask how much. $25 way cheaper.

Then I said just for fun, I want to make some moonshine. Boy did she light right up totally understood that one !

OH JES ! I habba de cracked Korn, de blue labeeel is dis much, de green labeeel is dis much.....LOL !

I bet I could have asked for a recipe and she probably could have supplied one !

I Love where I live, although I don't think I'd risk it.
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