Code of Honor, Steven Seagal this one is actually not to bad.


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Code of Honor (2016) starring Steven Seagal. Of these Russian market movies this one is not too bad. It has the usual plot. Steven Seagal's character's family were murdered by drug dealing crooks so he is out to kill them all. Which he does. In this one he even gets out of his chair to his ass kicking. Of course there are some real boners in it. Like a person gets shot through the hand with a 9mm bullet. and the medic just puts a bandage on it. The reality being he would be in for reconstructive surgery with a hand surgeon. But the old lady smoking crack cocaine continuing to do even though splattered with blood from all of the shot up dope dealers around her, that was a nice touch. It is fun looking for all of these hilarious groaners. Netflix of course.
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