Darn weather...


Epic Member
Certainly could be worse things to happen, but looks like hail damage on at least one of my vehicles. The steel in the old truck might be thick enough to have been unaffected, unlike the barely thicker than tinfoil stuff used on the newer car. Have check over the siding and roof later. Not the way to end a week off.
There is some damage for sure. I need to snap a few pics then wash off all the leaves and debris to see the full effect. It's a 2009 Impala so not like it's a real high zoot rig, but it was in decent condition and a bit under the average miles.

I'd like to think I have good insurance, but the time you know for sure is when you file a claim.
I don't know how you guys in the US put up with hail damage, not that there is any solution. It's bad enough having idiots crashing into your car but with hail storms too that must be an insurance nightmare.

Good luck with getting it fixed - hopefully by the insurance company.
When I see one coming, I've been known to drive the car that isn't in the garage over to a school down the block and hide under their huge entrance overhang. Of course sometimes you don't get advance warning, or you're away from home. In '06 I watched small hail graduate larger and larger, up to golf balls, as it smacked my truck and ruined my roof, siding and air conditioner. Nothing you can do at that point.
Yeah, this one was very little advance warning. GF says they're having hail in a town up the road so I looked out and saw none, just rain. Didn't even make it back to the couch and heard the first of it hitting the house. We have some fairly good tree cover where I park so it's probably not as bad as it could have been. Granted, I've seen much, Much, MUCH worse hail damage. I told the insurance company there appears to be damage I just haven't had it inspected yet. It's bad enough that it has devalued the car, but since the car isn't worth all that much to begin with not sure it's having it fixed. It's clearly dented in spots but not like some of those where it looks like someone went berserk with a 10lb ball peen hammer. Might just take the check and put that in the savings and take the hit when/if I ever sell it.

And the weather is starting to build just West, again...
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Might want to pop them out at least. You really don't want standing water on your car.
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