Decisions, Decisions (help needed)

Yea MD,

don't let us define the need for level matched doubled blind tests needed to validate such opinions...;)
Double Blind?

Doube Blind testing?
Why on earth would we need that? Didn't Julian Hirsch convince you guys years ago that all amps sound the same?
It doesnt surprise that you enjoyed listening to the AU-517 so much. AU-717, 517... is an outstanding Line and a great circuit design by Sansui Engineers. The 9090DB is a great receiver. Choosing between an AU amp and 9090 is a tough choice. Thats why I own both an AU-717 and 9090DB and have no intentions of ever parting with either. This very topic actually did just come up in an email between myself and an online friend who happens to be very knowledgeable on such matters pertaining to Sansui. In his judgement, the AU-717 is the superior amp to the 9090, more sophisticated circuitry resulting in better specs (slew rate, etc..). That seems logical to me- that more attention can be given to these parameters in an integrated amp than in a receiver.
Great debate but could it be that we are all missing the point? Does the make of the receiver really count or is it the $5000 speaker cables or the $500 inter-connects that really determines the audio quality?:D

Been reading past issues of Stereophile this week.;)
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