diferences between the Otari MX 50 and the MX 55n?

They share many same parts, but if you're looking to do recordings on the RTR, the MX55N is a much nicer machine. The MX55N has a bottom plate that you can uncover to adjust very easily all of the settings and set bias/record level. The MX50N does not (you have to open her up and access the PCBs to do so). Some MX55N (mine included) have the 2-track play/record and 4-track play headstock. Great for playing back 4-track tapes. The MX50N does not. There are a few adjustments switches on the back of the MX55N that are not on the MX50N at all. Better meters on the MX55N. But performance wise, they are essentially the same.

From my experience I would rate them: MX55N > MX5050BIII-2 > MX50N.
I actually screwed up in the titles Iwas supposed to say "mx5050 b3" the last one they made, sorry.
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