Dog acting especially excited about a piece of equipment?

I love dogs, but can't keep up with one, so I went cat, and they don't say "curiosity killed the cat" for nothing. Whether it's new speakers, or a new vase, Jumper investigates thoroughly. He's also learned to communicate clearly with us, his servants.
I gotta ask, how do those full range kits sound? I've thought about buying a pair of those. I was wondering about how well they handle the low end in those cabinets. It's a good thing the ball didn't wind up stuck in the port. My dog would have clawed her way into it to get her ball. :D
Too funny Justgotohm. Doggy communication is really something. At our house we've tried to train ourselves to trust what they are trying to tell you, show you or barking at. Little data collectors with super senses.
Dogs teach us, don't kid yourself. Had a little wire haired dachshund "Peanut" that we showed how to ring a bell when wanting to go out. Peanut learned in less than 5 minutes the little trickster. This is where "our" training began.

If we didn't come right away Peanut would ring the bell again, she would keep doing this, getting more insistent with her ringing each time. Then Peanut started using the bell for other things she wanted, ring ring, run into the kitchen from the back door and sit by the treat drawer lol. Ring ring, run and sit by the basket of toys, ring ring, run to the food dish lol. Peanut was the smartest dog I've ever seen.

In case you've never seen one of these sweet little dogs, and a picture of the type of bell Peanut used to train us lol.
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Absolutely adorable! Too cute for words!
Absolutely adorable! Too cute for words!
Oh, they're smart alright. The border collie that used to be let out 2 doors down to freely shit on the neighbors' lawns was greeted finally by Cesar Milan's rehabilitation after the very first episode I watched. I say 'rehabilitation' because that's what's in store for the dog owner. "Training" is what he instills in the dog. Well this little guy would simply reciprocate and challenge me baring it's teeth any time I would attempt to chase it away when it sauntered up the street to shit on my lawn. So the next day after I watched the episode with the laid back cop who couldn't control his dog where Cesar asked him,"what do you do at work? How do you maintain control there?". "Oh, we have what we call 'command presence', a display of authority. "Well, that's how you have to be with the dog"!
The next day as I was getting out of my van, here comes that dog again. So I just puffed out my chest, raised my chin and peered down at him as I slowly approached... he quietly lowered his head, slowly turned around, put his tail between his legs, and sauntered back where he came from. No shit!
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