Hello from Dallas

Before retiring I frequently flew American out of DFW. I fly about once a year now, typically out of Love, but will look for Monika's poster. Given how much I've seen of her and knowing the outfit, I'm pretty sure I'll recognize her.:thumbsup:

Do you and the luckily blessed one ever frequent Henk's European Deli and Black Forest Bakery?
Before retiring I frequently flew American out of DFW. I fly about once a year now, typically out of Love, but will look for Monika's poster. Given how much I've seen of her and knowing the outfit, I'm pretty sure I'll recognize her.:thumbsup:
Do you and the luckily blessed one ever frequent Henk's European Deli and Black Forest Bakery?

I'm not sure if I would say frequent, but we have been there. It is just so far out of our way. We live a good bit north of Dallas actually, just south of Bowie. Ordinarily, when I tell someone I live in Bowie. It is "where??", and everyone knows Dallas. I will let Steven know that he is "luckily blessed", although he doesn't realize it at times ;) Besides, you might have flown with him too on occasion. He is a pilot for American (B777). I have only flown with him once, and most of that might have been his captain or the autopilot. I just hope he is less dazed in the cockpit, although I know he wears his sunglasses a lot. ;)

As far as Monika, as soon as you see the poster, you can't miss her. She has actually been in several AA advertisements over the last 10 years or so.
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Hallo Tasha, schön Dich hier in unserem Forum zu haben. Ich bin das fast einzige deutschsprachige aktive Mitglied hier. Mein Englisch ist nicht schlecht, aber es wäre besser wenn ich nicht nur Englisch schreiben, sondern auch sprechen würde. Ich spreche niemals ein Wort Englisch und die Sprache existiert in meinem Kopf nur in schriftlicher Form. Ist das nicht kurios?

Viele Grüsse aus dem Schwarzwald!
Hallo Tasha, schön Dich hier in unserem Forum zu haben. Ich bin das fast einzige deutschsprachige aktive Mitglied hier. Mein Englisch ist nicht schlecht, aber es wäre besser wenn ich nicht nur Englisch schreiben, sondern auch sprechen würde. Ich spreche niemals ein Wort Englisch und die Sprache existiert in meinem Kopf nur in schriftlicher Form. Ist das nicht kurios?

Viele Grüsse aus dem Schwarzwald!

Nicht mehr Chris.... ausser dir, habe ich sonst keine anderen deutschprachige Mitglieder gesehen. Dass mit dem English ist kurios - da hast du ganz Recht. Was ich wirklich komisch finde ist dass es in der deutschen Sprache so viele englische Woerter gibt. Von wo im Schwarzwald kommst du? Kennst du Weil am Rhein, nicht weit von Basel? Eine Freundin von mir wohnt dort. :) Ich hoffe dass wir uns mehr in deutsch unterhalten koennen.
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Perhaps we should switch over again to English here, ;) but you got already a private message in German! Yes, I know Weil am Rhein, very close to the Swiss border. It is just about 60 miles away from my hometown!

We got a lot of English words in German, and the number of English words increased remarkably in the last about 20 years. It is a pity. The huge number of new anglicisms - mostly introduced by the yellow press, politicians and the andvertising industry - is starting to destroy the wonderful language of Thomas Mann and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
I so agree with you. It is just so odd... German word, German word, English word (with German grammatical ending). German word... My favorites: getextet... HAHAHAHAHAHA, and other one emailen
Isn't it a fantastic thing being able to switch over from one language to another and vice versa? By the way - I started a very entertaining thread in this forum some years ago, it is titeled "Confidence in language skills". I am absolutely sure that you will LOVE that one!!! :)

I will post just now in this thread so you don't have to search for it! :)
willkommen zurück!, Yes, I became quite fluent at 7 weeks old when I left Frankfurt... and now, a few years later, fluent in Google!
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