How to deal with rust spots on Mac chrome?


New Member
I have a chance to get a Mac amp with a few rust spots on the the back chrome. Nothing major, but I know it will only gets worse over time if unattended.

What is the best way to deal with rust spots? Any polish or rust removers on the market that are any good? Any other techniques that have proven successful? Thanks for any advice.
We actually use Maguiars liquid car wax or Harley Davidson wax. Be carefull around the lettering. The wax will clean & preserve all in one. We always wax chrome units after they have been repaired. We have tried a bunch of other products, but liquid wax seems to be the best results that we have seen.
Thanks for the info. Does this wax actually remove the rust that's already there, or does it simply stop the further spread of rust? I'd really like to remove the tiny rust spots that are already there.
The wax will remove small amounts of rust, if not you will need to go to a cleaner like Wenol. When rubbing at a bad spot keep using a clean section of your rag, the dirt and rust can be embedded into the cloth and cause swirls and more scratches.
I use the Red, as with any polish watch the lettering. When polishing over lettering that is in good condition there will be no or very little degradation, if the lettering is degraded nothing you do will protect it even a light rub with a wet rag can remove some lettering.
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