Insomina / Tinnitus / Migraine - the intransignet enemies of your mind!!!

Then there are the headaches-migraines that come from severe disparity, from depression and anxiety that increases blood pressure with buzzing in the ears. Feels like your head is going to split wide open. Call it what you want, a rose by any another name is still but a rose. And people think that the only use for cannabis is to get high....
I have had severe migraines in the past. My wife made me do a sleep study for snoring. Found out I had sleep apnea and started using a sleep machine. I have not had a migraine since using the machine. 10 plus years now.
I also have Tinnitus in my left ear. I have had some testing done, I found that I have some damage to my hearing in the left ear, (probably work related). I cannot hear high pitched sounds ( left ear only) like smoke alarms, alarm clocks, anything with a high pitch involved. Yet the high pitch screaming in that ear is constant and unrelenting.
These reports make me feel very fortunate indeed, with only very mild tinnitus, and only occasionally even notice it.
I used to get (real!) migraines several times a month, but learned eventually that if I took 2 aspirins immediately after the visual disturbances appeared, and then laid down in a dark quiet room, it would subside and pretty much disappear within 30 minutes. If I waited more than about 15 minutes before taking the aspirin, I'd be in for a long miserable recovery (6-8hrs).
Since retiring, however, I'm down to getting them only 2-3 times per year, but the aspirin regimen still works.
PS. Interesting note about sleep apnea and cpap.
I had the (beastly) surgery for very severe apnea, and (among many other things) realize (now that you mention it) that the frequency of migraines went down quite a bit afterwards as well, though the improvement from all the other symptoms kind of overshadowed that.
Best wishes to all those who suffer more severe forms of any of these symptoms!
Does anybody with tinnitus notice it increases when tensing up neck muscles?
I have not noticed any changes due to tensing my neck muscles. I will try doing it and report back.
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