

Active Member
I'm considering purchase of an MX113 for my home office, and am wondering if it is essentially a C26 and MR74 in one chassis. I had an opportunity to use an MR74 in my current location (unfortunately it is not for sale) and was very pleased with its performance. Any information on the preamp and tuner equivolents to the MX113 would be appreciated.

Number9 posted this not so long ago; hope it helps

once went through the excercise of trying to match up the seperate tuner and preamp "inspiration" to the MX preamp-tuner models and this is what I came up with.

MX ----------------Tuner----Preamp-----Year Intro

114--FM----------- 73--------27---------1969
113--AM/FM ------74 --------28---------1971
115--FM -----------74---------29 --------1972
117--AM/FM -------75--------504--------1980

This is my best guess of the match-ups based on data on Roger Russel's and Berner's website. I could be wrong.

The MX114 came out in 1969 (the 113 a year later). The MR77 came out in 1970, so I have my doubts the 114 used the 77 tuner circuit. Plus, none of the MXs used the RIMO filters found in the 77, 78 and 74 models.

The circuits found in the preamp-tuners were similar, but not identical to the individual preamps and tuners. Similar maybe, but not identical.

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