My other hobby - Snow crystal photography


Super Member
Hey all,

Pretty soon we will be into fall and then comes winter. One of my other hobbies besides music is snowflake photography. I have been doing it for a few years and am getting better and better at it. I do not photograph the big clumps of snow you see falling from the sky during a heavy snowstorm. When you see big "flakes" falling from the sky, that is actually around 100 snow crystals all clumped together. I take photos of individual snow crystals that fall usually when you have "flurries" and exceptionally cold weather. This is when the snow falls as individual crystals rather than clumps of crystals.

I'll use this thread throughout the fall and winter this year to share my pictures with you. I hope to get a better setup to take my shots this winter, so they should become even more amazing.

The ones I am posting here are taking with my Iphone 7, and a small lens that attaches to the phone called an OLLOCLIP.

Remember, the snowflakes I am taking pictures of are around this small or smaller if looking at this thread on a normal computer monitor: *

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