New Tung Sol 6550, anyone used them yet?

Not made by Tung Sol

They aren't really Tungsols of old, and aren't related to the NOS tubes.
New Sensor bought the rights to the Tung Sol, Mullard, and Genelex names.
That means they can slap those on thei Russian made tubes they import, ie. Sovtek.
Hi Jack,

That may be a bad thing if New Sensor follows the lead of other companies practices when using out of business manufacturers brand names.

I guess the verdict will be out on any of the tubes that they decide to market under any of the quality brand names of old.

If the products that come out are 90% of the quality of the original tubes, we will be better off than if the tubes were not introduced at all, especially if the pricing is right.

But, I hope that any unsavory internet sellars will not try to pawn these, less than original copies, off to the unkowledgable buyers looking for the real thing at the NOS asking prices, now that could be a problem.

Norris Wilson
I have the original Tungsol 6550s and these do not look like them. The 'New" ones look very much like a certain inexpensive Russian tube sold under other names.


There are like 4 versions of the true Tungsols and the repops do mimic the look and construction of the 3 hole dual side getter fairly well. How it will sound or last is the unknown. Way over priced in my opinion

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