Old caps- keep or toss?


Super Member
If these are PIO then I'll keep them, but if they're no good then off they go. Any ideas?


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You can buy a bag of NOS at least 100 pieces or so for little less than 3 dollars, I did see today, to give your amp a colorful vintage look, inside.

Which, with a few high quality exceptions, degrade over time. I wanted to measure some vintage PIOs just to get an idea of how they performed in a full suite of tests, but never found a good one worth bothering with.
and the OP's caps are just non-polar electrolytic caps. Not special 50 years ago and time has not improved them.

Those tropical fish caps gslikker posted are probably fine. Looks like an epoxy dipped film cap of some persuasion. Film caps with few exceptions last a very long time.
I just did a big purge and 99% of the old paper electrolytics were s'canned. However I did keep a few with mint paper jackets.

I might gut & refill with modern caps to keep the vintage look. This is solely an affectation though and for no other functional reason.
I like to give the bag of old parts to people when I sell a unit I've repaired. I figure it shows what's been done. If the new owner doesn't want them or wants to toss them after I hand them over then that's fine too.
I've had a few of those, once the seal fails thats what you get. Normally its paper inside the oil though.
OMG - I see mullard tropical fish film (of sorts) caps. guitar dudes go Hendrix
for these. give rise to anti-burn-in deniers. build SQ tester and id those that
bring tears to your eyes.
At the "what you guys call a hamfest", I was looking at those bags of them, they all started swimming....:rflmao:

(Although this is because one of my eyes gives serious distortion after rectina surgery unfortunately.....words look like captcha if I can read using it, at all.)
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