Sansui 2000X Service Manual info?

David Whittaker

New Member
I am desperatly trying to locate a part number/description of the little indicator lights for the Sansui 2000X...not the little screw in type lights that can be had at Radio Crap, but the ones that light up telling you AM/FM/AUX/Phono1 ect....

If someone knows or has the manual and can look them up I would greatly apprecitate it...

Any on-line documentation would be nice also...

Many Thanks!
David Whittaker
I didnt think that I did, but upon looking, I do have the svce manual for the 2000X. In general, from what Ive noticed, Sansui didnt provide much info on bulbs in their s.m's - especially the later models, - I recall trying to look up some bulb info on a Sansui model, dont recall now exactly which model it was, but I couldnt find any info at all on the bulbs in there- not even a simple voltage/current rating. The late 60's/early 70's Sansui sm's seem to be a bit more detailed in the info they provide.
The page lists 12 bulbs (PL001 - PL012)

PL001, 002, and 008 for Phono 1, 2 and Aux indicator are 7 volt, 0.2A (0.2 amps = 200mA, small m means milliamp = 1/1000 of an ampere).

PL003 thru 007, and 011 for dial scale lamp is 6.3V, 0.25A.

PL 010 Stereo Indicator is 6V, 0.1A

PL012 Dial Pointer is 5V, 0.06A.

Hope this Info is helpful to you, B/F.
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