The Prefect Weapon (2016) A colossal Steven Seagal Turkey

... not that I ever watched Seagull for his acting abilities ... . Often wondered who had more fight minutes on screen ... him or Jackie Chan.

Not a huge Tom Arnold fan off the screen - but he was pretty critical of Seagal in 2001 (when Exit Wounds was made) saying that Seagal had stands in the the fight scenes and could not do the scenes. He was brutal. I can't find it, but did find this, which is :rflmao::rflmao:

Too Funny:
After the rappers kicked him to the curb, Seagal had to turn to the low-rent districts of Eastern Europe, and film pretty much in the dark (cuts down on editing costs, I guess).
Dark Territory. Last and best use of an Apple Newton.
Plus, it's where Katherine Heigl learned all she knows about acting.
But hey, nobody's Prefect. :)

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