TU-999 Tuner String Slippage Solution?


AK Subscriber
How do I prevent the string from slipping on the spindle attached to the tuning knob?

You can try some bee's wax on the string and/or trying to tighten it by bending some of the pulleys. More than likely the string will have to be replaced. Just about every 999 I've seen had string issues.

Warning - dumb question!

Punker X said:
You can try some bee's wax on the string and/or trying to tighten it by bending some of the pulleys. More than likely the string will have to be replaced. Just about every 999 I've seen had string issues.


This seems like an opportunity to ask a dumb 2-part question.
1. would it help the 'traction' if you gave the string one more loop around that shaft?

2. I can't quite picture this in my mind: would that one exta loop turn the direction around?

Y'see, when I say 'dumb', I mean it.

Another dumb question...where would I get bees wax or new tuner string?

Bees wax is the bomb! Any Ace hardware store has it. Just put it on the shaft and string and the slipping will be gone. make sure the string is not to tight causing excess friction in some of the string pulleys.

I'll try it...

The string is definitely not too tight and I think the wax should work.

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