U2 The Joshua Tree LP

He didn't

There are no bids so he has got nothing yet. Maybe he is optomistic that someone will bid. Just because the starting price is high doens't mean the item is worth that much.

If he does get it I think I have 2-3 copies of that album;)
Originally posted by 2DualsNotEnough
I just bought that same album still in shrinkwrap at GW a while ago for a buck.

I got the same one NM for 75 cents at SA today :D

So this guy is just guessing the price. Thats what I thought. Now for my real question. Is an lp record appraisal more "art" than science? Is there a "Orion Bluebook" for lp valuations?
He might still be stuck in 1969 and is taking inflation into account on the pricing. I seem to recall a song that asked about "where were you in '69, smoking dope and drinking wine?

My record price guide is from goldmine or by goldmine or something like that. I have one for albums(rock) and 45s. They are only a guide and the prices in them are usually much higher than real life. It is good to see different issues of same LP, find out yr an album was released etc. but as for price, don't make your purchases by it.
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