VinylHanger - Time to Clean Out the PM Box


Super Member
I sent you a couple of PMs (is that PMS? :D) today that got bounced back. It seems you are so popular with the chicks that your inbox is full.

Delete some, will ya.

Hey, life is hard when your even half as sexay as Thor, but if it's a curse I have to live with, I'll do it :D Will do!
Hmmmmm, I just checked my box, I only have like 10 messages in there so it shouldn't be full. But I made room anyway. If you used E-Mail, maybe that got bumped back?
Did ya check your "Sent" folder? And other folders you may have (trash for example)? The sent folder can fill up w/o you even realizing it, if you keep copies of sent messages (which methinks is the default setting). The message said your box was full, and that an email was being sent to you to inform you of that. Anyhoo, did you get my message?

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