What Annoying Grammatical or Pronunciation *Error* Did You Come Across Today?

Yeah, great material, but let's not. :p

Why is it that some people feel they have to fully capitalize 'amp'? As in "I need a new AMP" or "the socket is on a 20 AMP circuit"? I can't for the life of me figure out what makes people pick that particular little word to write in all caps. :dunno:
Has anyone else noticed the amount grammatical / spelling errors that are in the news media these days? The good old days are gone forever....

I find it shocking, the amount of basic spelling errors I see in news media. It makes me angry that they don’t at least try to spell correctly when there are spell-checkers to help. Writing the English language is a major part of their job. The reason it makes me angry is that I was badly bullied from the age of four years and nine months old and it really saps one’s concentration! I have no English qualifications of any kind and was in a low class at school. If, by reading books, I can write senteces to at least a basic standard, they should too. I have only had low paying jobs and it gets my dandruff up (he he) to see that they have well paid jobs with such sloppy standards of the English language.
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“Expresso” instead of esspresso.
People, even chefs on television, saying “pie - ella” instead of pie - ay - ya. I wonder if they go to Mar- bella on vacation?
And “draw - ring” instead of drawing.
Agreed on the first two. 'Drawring' is a New England accent thing, I think there should be a pass on that one.

"At the end of the program, we'll tell you how you can get a measured drawring for this chest of draws." - Norm Abram
Drawring: one of the few times we pronounce our "ahs". ;)
Agreed on the first two. 'Drawring' is a New England accent thing, I think there should be a pass on that one.

"At the end of the program, we'll tell you how you can get a measured drawring for this chest of draws." - Norm Abram
One of my pet peeves are marketing types ignorant of the definition of words. Last week I received a solicitation from the local utility company for service plans. They offered an Ultimate plan that was bettered by a Gold and Platinum plan?

Obviously, the meaning of "ultimate" escapes them...
What about CD's vs CDs? No apostrophe please.

I really don't like DAC. I use D/A converter but that's just me.

And whatever you do, don't get your DAC mixed up with your DAK. :yikes:

And whatever you do, don't get your DAC mixed up with your DAK. :yikes:


or DAP


Speaking of DAP, when explaining the current maintenance of my 150 year old home, I alway over emphasize the pronunciation of the word caulk, I almost articulate a death rattle when I say "I use a wet finger to smooth out the Alex big stretch callll-occch." Come to think of it that may not work on the east coast.

Anyway, what are we discussing here?
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Hey. You guys betta watch yesselves.

I just went through another annoying HR mandated Harassment & Discrimination training. THEY said that grammatical error policing falls under the category of harassment now.

Hey. You guys betta watch yesselves.

I just went through another annoying HR mandated Harassment & Discrimination training. THEY said that grammatical error policing falls under the category of harassment now.


You should have raised your hand and said "I believe it's HAIRassment." :rflmao:
I have not read this whole thread so if this has been posted...

I hear this one a lot: "I could care less..."
My understanding of this phrase has always been "I couldn't care less..."

Someone correct me if I'm mistaken. Not that I really care, but..:smoke:
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