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I think @Cscarlet41 has all the Money he can handle if he cranked the volume up!

Back in those wacky college days we played a prank on a friend of ours. We were all partaking of our poisons of choice in his dorm room and he had the misfortune of more or less passing out. He also had the misfortune of having friends that knew how to operate the timer on his fairly impressive stereo system. You can probably guess where this went but...

We left him to sleep it off for a bit while we wandered down the hall to another room and continued the festivities. After the designated period of quiet time for Erik, his stereo lit up and cranked out to the clocks sequence in Money (Edit: Time, not Money), at a volume that would have been merely painful under normal circumstances but must have been close to enough to make a drunk passed out in a pitch black room about lose his mind. We about pissed ourselves standing in the hall and hearing his reaction.
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