What I learned on Craigslist

Chester Drawers are the ones Chester Good used in Gun Smoke.
As seen here:
If you had one of those parking lots with spaced/hollow bricks and grass growing around them, that mower bike might work well. Not on other terrain though. Seems overpriced in any case.
How does that thing actually turn a corner? I mean think about pushing a reel mower vs. riding a bike. The two do not move the same way.
How does that thing actually turn a corner? I mean think about pushing a reel mower vs. riding a bike. The two do not move the same way.

Well, this guy seems pretty good at going in a straight line. It seems one would have to go over the same areas a few times, since it accuracy is not it's best quality...

How does that thing actually turn a corner? I mean think about pushing a reel mower vs. riding a bike. The two do not move the same way.

I wondered the same thing! It looks like there's a servo (? whatchamacallit ?) or some sort of assembly on the fork to accommodate a turn.
It looks like it makes slight turns, he's wobbling a bit in that video, but I wonder what would happen in a tight turn.
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