What is a SR 1000

Doctor Olds

Active Member
A friend of mine contacted me to see if I was interested in a Marantz SR-1000 he came across and I could find no info on the thing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dr Olds:scratch2:
The SR-1000 is the bottom of the line receiver from the line that came out just as Marantz started its long slide. Some like the sound but cost cutting is evident as the SR-1000 suffers from "empty box" syndrome.
BOTL in the early 80's Philips era of Marantz.

I had a SR-7000G, closer to TOTL. Decent build quality, but nothing like the earlier Marantz.

IIRC, there is very little inside the case of the SG-1000. I remember a pic showing it to have a Masonite bottom.

Here's a pic of the SR-7000G:

The STK-type stereo power amp IC used in the SR1000 is prone to oscillations. These are intermittent and tend to occur during startup. The oscillations will often snuff the IC.


Fred Longworth
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