What's the biggest/craziest trip/thing you made to get audio stuff ?

Never really went anywhere special to get anything really.

Just fell into everything. I mean, just went to the store, or later on... shopped on eBay.

I did buy some gear in Japan, Hong Kong, & the Philippines when I was working... I was just 'there'. No big thing.
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MKX is a pretty good speaker hauler, actually... we rented one for a mini-vacation that culminated in picking up a pair of JBL L220's - nothing near as bulky as your K-horns but they're a good 4 feet all and fit easily in the MKX along with our luggage.

Flew from Chicago to Singapore once to get a 'specific pair' of $15 sunglasses.

Then lost them in Penang, Malaysia just prior flying to Phuket, Thailand to hang out for a few weeks. It was a 'one dirt street' beach/jungle back in those days, tigers & everything.

Those were the days!! :) (80's)
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