Walmart Gift Card - WTF

I don't see the Forum that was set up for this problem
last time some folks had this specific problem
I have a red box in the upper right hand corner of the IRL bar that says "this page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources"
I don't remember ever seeing it before
I was waiting for an hour @drs. Every time I went on AK, a Walmart contest would take over to it's sit. I'd close and reopen AK. Within 30s the Walmart thing would take over.
I went to other sites I had up and no problem, but if I went to AK from the other site, the problem came right up making AK useless!!
I got home and cell phone is still behaving that way/AK not useable on it!
Doing this on the PC & it seems fine.
Unscrupulous ads from unscrupulous people in an attempt to clear out your bank account cache.

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