Sansui QRX-9001 With a Problematic CD-4 Demodulator

You guys are the ones that would know this answer...or know someone that knows the answer. I picked up a QRX 9001. It lights up. Seems like it should work...but the audio is not coming out. I checked everything I know to check...which is super limited. I'm out of my depth. I know what I have, but I'm not smart enough to fix it. I need someone in So Cal (preferably Orange County) that you trust that can bring this beast back to life. Thoughts?
That is a symptom of the fuse resistors drifting high or gone open on the driver boards. When I picked up my QRX-8001, it had the same issue - no sound. It's pretty common with these. You will also loose channels in any of the quad modes due to cracks in the "pass through" solder joints on the double sided board that the quad processing cards plug into (F2634). is in Carmichael, CA is that near you?
:-/ Sadly no. Sacramento is about 7.5 hours away from Orange County. I've been looking through Sansui threads to find someone that is in Orange guy looks like he passed away, but I know there must be some Sansui techs that people have used and trust within 50 miles of me.
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