qrx 9001 output transistors


New Member
I've searched the forum but cannot confirm if i can replace my output transistors with onsemi MJ21193/4. It appears most are using these to replace 9090's OT's. Pretty sure i have some counterfeits from mcm.

any help much appreciated.
Yes you can and should to avoid the fakes out there. MCM sells fake ones I can promise you.
Get them from digikey or mouser. You may have to add the letter G to the end of the part number to find them in the online catalog - MJ21194G.

- Pete
quite a difference in bandwidth 10mhz versus the 4mhz for the onsemi devices. I would be very careful about using those devices for fear of the amp turning into an oscillator. You might have to add some compensation in the driver stage if you plan to use those on semi devices.

Also replace the driver transistors and the fuseable resistors. If you don't you're asking it to blow up again. Member quadbob usually has original sankens at a price. You might ask him.
Trying to revive this old thread as I have the same question. MJ21194 might be discointinued now, which would be a suitable replacement? MJ15003G?
MJ21194G are TO3 devices. They have the wrong picture with the listing.

- Pete
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