Repair of Dual 1229Q w/ 1219 Parts?


AK Lurker & Kinsman
Hello again to those of us hooked on the wonderful classic Dual turntables from the early to mid 70s. I currently have my original Dual 1229 I purchased in 1972 and also have acquired 2 1219s, a Dual 1229Q, and just rescued a nice (cosmetically and mostly mechanically) 1220Q. I got it for a paltry $15 with an intact deluxe CK20/CH5 base with dust cover, a Shure M991ED&sled, Shure M55E&sled,GE VR22&sled, and an old Ortophon M15. Also included were the single play and stacking spindles as well as the plastic 45 RPM Dual adapter. So the parts alone were worth more than $15. The bad new is that someone removed most of the parts associated with the automatic functions. Since one of the 1219s I have appears as it was heavily used and also seems to have a slightly bent platter shaft support, I was considering using the 8 parts or so that I have identified as able to be used on the 1229Q to restore all it's functions. In the supplied pictures I marked the missing parts on the respective 1219 although it doesn't quite show up.

I have worked on several Dual turntable over the last few years and sold one or two, and I have a background in electromechanical repair on everything from IBM Selectric typewriters (cycle clutch anyone?), to printers, and other computer and light industrial machines. So it doesn't daunt me. I guess what I really need is someone to verify that the 8 parts, a spring or two and the associated C clips from a Dual 1219 are indeed the same or close enough to work on a 1229Q. From What I can see comparing them to my other 1229Q they should be. Also, The parts that were removed don't appear to have disturbed any critical adjustments. I think the owner had these parts removed by someone attempting to resolve just a simple stuerpimple replacement that missed their attention.

Since the parts were missing in this 1229Q I took the opportunity to clean some of the old grease out of areas where it was dried and gummy. The speed selector lever was unable to be moved and no one forced it at least! It quickly was freed up with some cleaning and relube. Also, I started on removing the old grease from the large plastic gear.

Well, here are 3 pictures of what I have. The 1229Q does play fine and is quiet. I still want to remove, clean , and oil the motor bearings. All that is missing is some restoration for the automatic functions and a good refurb on the wooden base. So. . .. what do you Dual gurus think?

I marked the comparable missing parts on the 1219 donor with a red "X". It appears these would be directly transferable. . .. No?

Oh. . . and since these pictures were taken, I have refinished the base and it looks brand new!



There's a couple pros hanging out here that would give the definitive answers, but my guess would be that the parts are interchangeable.

If you can find a parts list/service manual for both tables, see if the part numbers jive...
Thanks bohhey. A yes from you is what I really need and worth more than I can say.:thmbsp:

I have two manuals but the printing is so bad I can't make out all the numbers let alone the text in some places. Plus, part numbers appear different in some places or marked incorrectly. . . or just plain smeary.
Well, I suppose that I could have elaborated...

The 1219, 1229 and 1229Q share 80-90% of parts.

The 2nd half of the 19 and 1st half are the same, less the strobe and minor cosmetic stuff. 2nd half 29's had a different power supply and a veneer speed adjustment (in addition to the pitch - because of customer's bitching at the time about not being able to keep the pitch control perfectly centered AND have perfect speed - didn't anyone ever hear of line voltage changes?) Real late 29's went to a 5 wire tonearm. The Q's arm is completely different. Again, another, different power supply. However, all three tonearms will completely interchange. Just not look right.
oh - 1 more thing. The speed control assemblies do not just interchange.

Only the 2nd half 29's and the Q's interchange.
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